Saturday, July 31, 2010

soalan senang je kot...

siapa aku ??
senang je kan soalan tu...
tu pon susa nk jawab..
ape la...
xpe mase banyak lg..
pk2 kan la ye ape jwpan pling sesuai tuk soalan tu k..
Peace ~

hospital !

today aq lpk kt hospital dr kul 1230 smpi kul 630..
teman si ijul gemok kt sane..
da 4 hari dye kt wad..
so td aq bwk laptop aq gn broadband bg dye on9 puas2..haha
dye msuk hospital sbb mslah pinggang...
em..xsempat nk bli mice betine..sbb blek2 da ujan..

Friday, July 30, 2010

single rider sudah .. : )

em...hujung miggu yg bosan lg la kot...
kua jalan sorg2 je la...
nk ajak mmbe teman sume bz..
aq jalan sorg agy bgos la..
so suk plan nk g bli mice betina tuk si little nie..
bru la dye ade teman nk bergurau..
pastu nk bli sangkar beso cket bru dorg selesa..

new room ... new house n my stuff...

new house n new room...

Thursday, July 29, 2010

More Than Words - Westlife..(suke sgt maksud lirik lagu nie)

Saying I love you 
Is not the words I want to hear from you 
It's not that I want you 
Not to say, but if you only knew 
How easy it would be to show me how you feel 
More than words is all you have to do to make it real 
Then you wouldn't have to say that you love me 
Cos I'd already know 

What would you do if my heart was torn in two 
More than words to show you feel 
That your love for me is real 
What would you say if I took those words away 
Then you couldn't make things new 
Just by saying I love you 

More than words 

Now I've tried to talk to you and make you understand 
All you have to do is close your eyes 
And just reach out your hands and touch me 
Hold me close don't ever let me go 
More than words is all I ever needed you to show 
Then you wouldn't have to say that you love me 
Cos I'd already know 

What would you do if my heart was torn in two 
More than words to show you feel 
That your love for me is real 
What would you say if I took those words away 
Then you couldn't make things new 
Just by saying I love you 

More than words 

bgn pagi2...

hari nie awl2 pagi da bgn kemas sangkar mice..
mmg terkejut la dak2 uma tgk aq bgn pg2 kemas sangkar mice tu an..
sllu nk bgn g class mmg mls gile..
ntah ape mimpi ary nie aq terjage awl plak..
hahahaa..kalu hari2 cmnie aq leh berubah..
poyo gile !!

thanx suhailah !

thanx a lot to genok..
ko bg aq binatang ye...
aq sndiri x terurus ko suh aq jge binatang..
tp xpe...
pengalaman baru nie..
jage tikus makmal..
xpe mok demi ko aq jage sampai dye beso..
tp kalu xsempat beso aq mnx maap byk2 ye sbb aq xreti sgt jage pets nie..
nway aq sgt hargai gn mice nie..
thanx byk2 mok..
syg kau doe...

mice ( stuart little ) hahaha...

hadiah hari jadi sy !
thanx a lot gemok ..
syg ko sgt2..

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

ckp gn tgn aq !

utuk budak tu sume bole..
smpai aq mcm2 alasan..
aq tau la aq sape an..
kua gn dye tiap2 malam xde hal..
bole aje..
nk kua gn aq sekali je pon susa..
ade je alasan..
kate rindu ?
pelik tol la...
dulu sng je nk kua gn ko..
skrg mcm cibai !
tension tol la !
aq xslh kan ko...
ko ade hak nk wt sume tu...
sori doe..
stress !

gurly ke geli !! haha..

ramai ckp gamba nie mcm gurl2..
so sweet...

tonight i'm very busy memotong rambut kwn2..hehee

ini lah bakat terpendam sy..
; )

mara ohh mara ...

da 28 haribulan da..
mara xkua agy..
nk pndah uma agy pkai dwet..
nk pnjm dwet kt ibu gn abah kne bebel..
tp ure2 mngatakan yg mara kne beku 2 bulan smpi bulan 9..
mmg aq mkn pasir la 2bulan nie..
stressss.. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nasi terkangkang !!

pelik doe..
dulu susa gile ko nk dgr ckp laki..
skrg bukan maen ko dgr ckp dye..
em..jgn nk dgr sgt ckp BUDAK2 la an..
jgn nk takut sgt la kt budak mcm tu smpi gn aku pon susa ko nk kua da skrg...
hope hati ko terbukak la tuk pk mse depan la..
(nk "merisik" what the fuck !!!
kecing bg straight bru ko nk kawen gn ank dare org la budak !!!)
igt weh pk mase depan..
aq nsihat da xtau la ko nk dgr ke x an..
insan yg cemerlang dtg dr hati, akal bersih dan jiwa yg kuat...
renung2 kan dan selamat beramal ...
(Dato' Fadzilah kamsah)

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

i get my licence ; )

lulus dgn cemerlang plak...
bukit..parking gn 3 penjuru aq tapau hbs..
jalan raya aq dpt 19/20..hahahaha...
lps nie aq merayap bwk kete plak la..
bru la awek2 usha..
market doe...

JPJ test ..

esuk jpj test kete..
sgt goyang n gigil..hahaa..
hope dpt setel kan test suk gn tenang n senang..
wah....kalu lps test suk mggu depan aq da bole bwk kete dgn selamat..

Monday, July 26, 2010

Miss my Long hair !!!


knape sllu sgt..
knape always ade dlm otak aq nie..
knape mesti ade dlm otak nie...
ade sumthing yg blum lengkap..
juz wait n see what will happend next k miyo ...

alarm clock is death !!

ary nie xg class pg..
pdhl class kul 10 je bgn lmbt gk..
mmg sial...
bru nk brubah xnk skip class..
last2 terskip gk..adoii....
mmg suk kne leter la gn lecturer...
nie sume salah alarm..
bole plak x bunyi (pdhal aq yg matikn alarm tu)
hahahaha.. : )

Sunday, July 25, 2010

do i care ?

kalu aq kua gn dye ko nk wt pe kt aq ??
setakat ckp gn pompuan ko bole la..
meh cnie wt tol2 aq nk tgk..
kencing x lurus lg nk control2 ank dare org..
mcm kimek je prangai..
ko g balek blaja kt mak bpk ko cmne care idup..
bru ko leh kua uma jmpe org..
dasar budak2...
sucks !

langgar lari !

mmg syial org yg wt mto aq nie...
mmg hidup dye xaman la...

i'm smile today ..

at least leh ilang kan stress kan..
bole la wlupon kejap je..
thanx la kt ko sbb wt aq senyum ary nie..
ilang lapa aq ko tau..
ok la..
nway td bsah kne ujan tp aq ttp senyum....
thanx doe....

Saturday, July 24, 2010

musykil ??

arnab ???
knape dgn arnab ??
knape kalu aq x alergic gn bulu ??
sgt pelik gemok nie...
aq korek idung dye tau la..

parking machine...(sHIT !)

bende memalukan yg jd ary nie..
mesin tu mmg kimek...
msuk dwet syiling xnk..
nk dwet kertas je..
mmg fuck !!!
last2 kne sound gn org blkg ,
"dik msuk je la dwet kertas sepuluh tu, dwet balance dpt pnye nnt jgn isau"
malu gyle...
majal !!!!!!!!!!!

mcm first time gune mesin tu plak..
pdhl da byk kali gune...

xbole berhenti berfikir ... ( rindu ? )

ary nie sgt pnt wt mcm2 keje..
tp otak still same..
sentiase memikirkan sal bende tu...
sgt tension..blurr..kusut...
mcm bayang2..
sgt lonely...
: (

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

new house !! again !!!!!!

aq pindah umah sewa agy..
fuck..tiap2 sem aq tuka uma..
masuk nie da 4 uma da..
mmg org nomad la aq nie..
nway uma bru nie mmg best..
coz dak2 uma sume gile2...
mcm zoo .....

demam panas..

selsema..batuk2..sakit kpale..sakit2 badan..
bende paling mnyakitkan hati bile kne kt diri kite...
aq kne bende2 nie kelmarin..
sgt sakit otak..
berjangkit kt mmbe2 la nie..
smlm da x g class..
terpakse g clinic amek mc..kne byr rm35..
fuck tol..da le gh kering kne byr rm35 agy.. ary nie da ok..otak n bdn2 da segar2.
dpt la g class cuci2 mate kt kolej..
hahahahahahaa.... : b

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Dulu dan Kini !

two years only ...

i'm part of ur life ??

"ko tu dah sbhgian dari idop aku"..
"aq rindu ko la"
statement yg agak luar biase..
suke gk dgr..
tp sumtimes statement cmtu wt kite gile bayang right..
so, meor kuat kan smgt anda..

smoking.. (bia kau mampos)

still same...
bek aq wt bende lain..
focus study ke an..
tp still sal tu je....
lantak la..
smoking is da best choice now !!!!

Thursday, July 15, 2010


busy.. tu je la yg aq leh ckp tuk sem nie..sgt2 bz...
ary2 g class pg blek da nk senja..
class sgt pack.. makan sehari je sekali..
pnt sgt...kdg2 ape nk wt..
terpakse gk ikut jadual yg ade..
xleh nk skip class sgt..nnt xpat nk catch up subject..
so sem nie kne struggle kaw2..
so hope aq dpt result bgs punyee......
wish me luck guys !

Bile ??

sweet couple !
entah bile dpt bercouple..
jeles bile tgk org lain dating,
manje2, bermesra, ade pangilan mesra
sayang,baby, ape sume..

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Friday, July 2, 2010

me short hair .. gemok !!

                                               i don't like my hair style !!!!